Tag Archives: cute


Posted by: Lucia


I know this is very, very, late. We have been crazed this week with cleaning up the poofs of mattresses around our apartment and making a peep bunnay for the silent auction for artXposium. We also thought maybe we shouldn’t give away what the mattress bunny looked like before people who went to the opening of artXposium saw it.  

Juste a note: Paul KIein mentioned mattress bunny in his Art Letter– thanks Paul!

So, there will be very few words- just a lot of images. This was a 5 hour process, as we were still figuring out where holes were going to be drilled and how things were going to line up. From now on it should go up with no problem and should take just about an hour to install. 


With no further interuptions, I give you… Mattress Bunny





we will be posting more images tomorrow of the opening and such. We are looking for another venue to show mattress bunny- so let us know if you have anything in mind. Otherwise, we will be installing mattress bunny in our back yard so those who want to can see it in all it’s alley glory.

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